LIMES Schülerinnentag 2019
Swiss high school girls at MaDE lab
Sebastian Volk successfully defends his PhD
Congrats to now Dr. Sebastian Volk for the successful defense of his PhD thesis!
New PhD student - Markus
Markus Wied joins our group
Runner-up Best Poster Award for Jasper
SCS Fall Meeting 2019 Best Poster Award program
New PhD student - Pietro
Pietro Iurilli joins our group.
Dr. Olesya Yarema 4th price in D-ITET photo competition
Congrats to Olesya for receiving an award at the D-ITET Research Photo Competition 2019!
New PhD student - Jasper
Jasper Clarysse joins our group.
New PhD student - Raphael
Raphael Steffen joins our group.
Meng Li successfully defends his PhD
Congrats to now Dr. Meng Li for the successful defense of his PhD thesis!