MaDE News
New PhD student - Leopold

Leopold Peiseler joins our group
New PhD student - Ayça

Ayça Senol joins our group
PhD position in Technology and Public Policy: Battery Supply Chain Footprint and Innovation
The Energy Politics Group (EPG) together with the Materials and Device Engineering Group (MaDE) are seeking a PhD candidate in Technology and Public Policy to work on lithium-ion battery supply chain footprint analysis and more specifically on the question of how batteries’ footprint can be reduced by means of technological innovation and recycling.
PhD position: Nanoscale structural evolution in lithium-sulfur batteries

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student for an interdisciplinary research project across the fields of energy materials, electrochemistry and materials physics.
Lego-like assembly of zeolitic membranes improves carbon capture
EPFL chemical engineers have developed a new way to manufacture zeolitic membranes, state-of-the-art materials used for gas separation in harsh conditions.
New PhD student - Jean-Marc

Jean-Marc Sujata joins our group
Vanessa Wood new Vice President for Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations

New role will start January 1, 2021, research group continues
New PhD student - Xueyan

Xueyan Zhao joins our group
Best poster award to Maximilian Jansen

iCQD Best ePoster Presentation
New PhD student - Andrew

Andrew Angehrn joins our group
«I miss the creativity»

Watch the video of Jasper talking about how it feels to be back in the lab and what is different than before the lockdown.
New Postdoc student - Christian

Christian Prehal joins our group
A new theory for Semiconductors made of nanocrystals

Researchers at ETH have provided the first theoretical explanation for how electrical current is conducted in semiconductors made of nanocrystals. In the future, this could lead to the development of new sensors, lasers or LEDs for TV screens.
Simon Müller successfully defends his PhD

Congrats to now Dr. Simon Müller for the successful defense of his PhD thesis!
LIMES Schülerinnentag 2019

Swiss high school girls at MaDE lab
Sebastian Volk successfully defends his PhD

Congrats to now Dr. Sebastian Volk for the successful defense of his PhD thesis!
New PhD student - Markus

Markus Wied joins our group
Runner-up Best Poster Award for Jasper

SCS Fall Meeting 2019 Best Poster Award program
New PhD student - Pietro

Pietro Iurilli joins our group.
Dr. Olesya Yarema 4th price in D-ITET photo competition

Congrats to Olesya for receiving an award at the D-ITET Research Photo Competition 2019!